Which Social Media Advertising Objective Should You Choose On Facebook?

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Which Social Media Advertising Objective Should You Choose On Facebook?

There is really not one cut and dry social media marketing plan for every business, which is why we strongly believe in custom tailoring our social media advertising services for each of our clients. Examples of social media advertising services that your business could be taking advantage of include Facebook advertising. The most popular Facebook advertising objectives are boost post, promote page, clicks to website, and website conversions. So how do you know which social media advertising services are right for your business? Here are some good questions to ask yourself to help make this determination: Is your goal to grow your number of social media followers? This is one of the most common goals that businesses share, and increasing an online audience is often the most difficult obstacle that businesses face on Facebook. One of the most effective ways for you to grow your social media followers on Facebook is to take advantage of the page promotion objective. Promoting your Page is a way to create ads that will show in News Feed and on the right side of Facebook to a targeted audience you select that is more likely to express an interest in your business. Do you need to get your message to your audience in a hurry? Businesses also have the option to boost the reach of their posts on social media. It is well known that organic (non-advertised) posts on Facebook will reach less than 5% of your page fans. When you choose to give your post a boost, you’ll be able to reach more of your own fans or those who are not already connected with your Facebook page. Basically, if you want to reach more people quickly, a boosted post is an effective way to accomplish this. Do you want to drive more traffic to your website? One of the most widely used social media advertising objective on Facebook is website clicks. Website clicks refer to promoting your business on social media in the form of an ad to directly drive traffic to your website. There are several different ways you can bid (pay) to drive traffic to your website. One option is via link click, which will charge your business every time someone clicks on your social media advertisement. You have the option to let Facebook choose the best price to charge you per click or you can choose how much a click is worth to you. Another choice is to pay per 1,000 impressions (CPM), which will charge your business every time your social media advertisement reaches 1,000 people. Is your goal to get people to take action on your site?? If the answer is yes, you will want to choose the website conversion objective. This objective will optimize your ad(s) to get people to take specific actions on your website, such as signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or filling out your contact form. For most business owners, a conversion is the biggest measurement of advertising success. You also have the ability to add a call-to-action button like “Sign Up” and “Book Now” to encourage a particular action on your website.


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